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NV Elevate Charitable Organization 50:50 Raffle Official Rules


By participating, entrants agree to be bound by these Official Rules and by the decisions of NV Elevate Charitable Organization (NVECO), which shall be binding and final as to all matters related to each Raffle. Official Rules are available online at The Official Rules should be read before ticket purchase.

NV Elevate Charitable Organization is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization and will operate the raffle.


Ticket Purchase

NVECO will conduct an online Raffle for a predesignated period from Monday August 21st at 8 am to Monday September 4th at 8 am, for the NV Elevate Charitable Summer Set-Off 50:50 Raffle. Raffle tickets can be purchased from an individual designated by NVECO.

Raffle tickets will be sold online. For purchases, NVECO will utilize Paybee, an online platform to receive donations, collect data from forms, and send text messages/emails to end users via mobile, tablet and PC devices.


Eligibility to Enter

While available, Raffle tickets must be purchased by persons 18 years or older and must be in Nevada at the time of purchase. Purchased Raffle tickets are only valid for the Drawing that takes place on the dates of the event.

The following persons are NOT ELIGIBLE to participate in the Raffle: NVECO Directors and Volunteers. All individuals making online purchases are required to confirm they are in Nevada at the time of purchase. Otherwise, they will not be able to move forward with the purchase. NVECO will note that only persons in Nevada at the time of purchase are eligible.


Ticket Prices

Tickets may be purchased via electronic methods offered by Paybee for the following prices:

  • 2 tickets for $10

  • 6 tickets for $25

  • 15 tickets for $50

  • 35 tickets for $100

Each ticket is a receipt for the entrant and will reflect the number of entries for that event’s raffle purchased in a single transaction. Each ticket will include unique ticket numbers for each entry purchased.

Entrants may purchase as many tickets as they wish, subject to availability. All sales are final and no refunds will be made under any circumstance.



Raffle prizes consist of the following:

  1. Cash prize equal to fifty percent (50%) of the gross value of Raffle tickets entered by a single NV Elevate team (4 teams total) for the 50/50 raffle.

    1. Each of the 4 NV Elevate teams will hold a separate 50/50 raffle and subsequently will result in 4 separate winners.

Gross value of Raffle ticket sales shall be determined by NVECO and calculated after any transaction fees based on method of payment selected by purchaser(s).

Net proceeds from this Raffle will benefit NVECO and specifically the NV Elevate participant for which each ticket purchase was attributed/restricted to at the time of purchase. Ticket attributions are final at purchase.



Online purchasers will be placed into the raffle barrel that corresponds with the specific electronic team link used by purchaser at the time of purchase. The winning ticket numbers are selected by a random electronic drawing by Paybee from each of the raffle barrels.

  • One (1) winner will be chosen out of each prize barrel, which consists of the pool of purchased tickets during which the raffle is conducted.

  • The drawing will take place at the end of the event.

  • Winners will be notified via phone call and/or e-mail.


Claiming Prize

A reasonable time period determined by NVECO will be provided to the potential winner to claim Prize. Claiming the prize and the provision of sufficient identification of the winners shall be at the discretion of NVECO. If the Prize goes unclaimed within this time period, which shall be no longer than 5 business days, that person is determined to be ineligible, and the Prize is forfeited. Another Raffle ticket will be drawn for a new potential winner. This process will repeat until the Prize is claimed.

The purchased Raffle ticket receipts or proof thereof as well as valid identification are valid for claiming the Prize at the discretion of NVECO.

Questions If you have any questions, please contact Ibis Huddler, Chairman at NV Elevate Charitable Organization at



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